Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chocolate covered crack aka Facebook

This is what happens when you quit FB cold turkey, you begin blogging like a madwoman. :)  Just ask my friend K.  We are staying strong though!

I told my co-workers today that I am two days clean but unfortunately I already fell off the wagon for a few minutes tonight.  I wanted to tell my sister, publicly, how proud I am of her for getting into the teaching program at ASU.  I told her on the phone earlier so why the public announcement?  I wanted everyone to know how excited I am and renting a plane and skywriting to advertise it would have been pretty costly.

I was emailing with K today telling her that I simply post status updates in my head now and she said I should write them all down which may be a good idea.  So to copy her, here is what some of my updates would have said the last 3 days:

My mother in law did great in her surgery today to remove the cancer. She is expected to make a complete recovery and we couldn't be happier.

I love my co-workers, they make working in the movie Office Space totally doable.

Orientation next Tuesday for the foster/adoption process, nervous but excited!

Starting a monthly girl's night out to connect with the cool women in my life, yay!

Wow, I already feel better just doing that.

And of course I would have posted a million pics of my baby girl because that is really why I lived on that damn thing.  So instead I will post pics and links of her here or on my other blog. Why do I have two?  I thought I was trying to simplify...hmm.. Not sure how to combine a "family" type blog with my crazy working mom ranting so for now I may keep the two.  I also have a written journal that I use to write to E so she can read it when she decides at 16 that she hates my guts.

So thank you to the readers (ok all 3 of you) that read my craziness.  I miss my FB friends but am happy to be writing and really reaching out again. However, if I start convulsing or shaking, I will need someone to log me in...stat.

1 comment:

  1. I do tweets in my head... I swear if I actually hooked up to twitter I'd be on it all day long... I can't do it on facebook b/c I wouldn't want everybody to know the wierd random thoughts I have all day long, but yet the urge to put it out on the web exists... strange...
    Situation I saw a student driver car out today - kid in the driver seat, adult in passenger and another frightened kid in the back. my tweet thought: "Do Driver's Ed instructors teach for the thrill of the dangerous driving ride?"

    long comment - short... I get the status updates/tweets in the head thing! :)
