Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chocolate covered crack aka Facebook

This is what happens when you quit FB cold turkey, you begin blogging like a madwoman. :)  Just ask my friend K.  We are staying strong though!

I told my co-workers today that I am two days clean but unfortunately I already fell off the wagon for a few minutes tonight.  I wanted to tell my sister, publicly, how proud I am of her for getting into the teaching program at ASU.  I told her on the phone earlier so why the public announcement?  I wanted everyone to know how excited I am and renting a plane and skywriting to advertise it would have been pretty costly.

I was emailing with K today telling her that I simply post status updates in my head now and she said I should write them all down which may be a good idea.  So to copy her, here is what some of my updates would have said the last 3 days:

My mother in law did great in her surgery today to remove the cancer. She is expected to make a complete recovery and we couldn't be happier.

I love my co-workers, they make working in the movie Office Space totally doable.

Orientation next Tuesday for the foster/adoption process, nervous but excited!

Starting a monthly girl's night out to connect with the cool women in my life, yay!

Wow, I already feel better just doing that.

And of course I would have posted a million pics of my baby girl because that is really why I lived on that damn thing.  So instead I will post pics and links of her here or on my other blog. Why do I have two?  I thought I was trying to simplify...hmm.. Not sure how to combine a "family" type blog with my crazy working mom ranting so for now I may keep the two.  I also have a written journal that I use to write to E so she can read it when she decides at 16 that she hates my guts.

So thank you to the readers (ok all 3 of you) that read my craziness.  I miss my FB friends but am happy to be writing and really reaching out again. However, if I start convulsing or shaking, I will need someone to log me in...stat.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Goals...not resolutions and chocolate rehab

Ahhh the new year is here and of course comes the resolutions.  I am trying not to call them that so I actually stick with them for once. So the list of my GOALS....

1. Quit Facebook- well, take an extended break, or maybe a little break.  You can see how well this one is going to go already. Why quit? With the new year I am making an effort to not only make better use of my time but to be more "present". And let's face it, you can be sitting there with your kid holding a Barbie but if your phone is in the other hand while you look at status updates, then you're not really there. And honestly, it's a chance to really connect with the friends in my life instead of stalking them online. :)

2. Get my ass in shape- I am not reallllly counting this one because I already started this mission a few weeks ago by starting to train for a 10k that we are running on 1/28.  It's a retro 10k so I am looking forward to rocking the side ponytail and sweatbands.  Part of this mission though is to stop eating like crap and that means cutting out all of the SUGAR. Chocolate is my crack so unless someone invents a chocolate rehab or stages a Ghiredelli intervention then that one may fly out the window pretty quickly as well.

3. Learn to live in the NOW- this goes along with the FB goal but I am a person that obsesses about the future and needs to have solid plans.  Adopting from foster care  is one of the biggest unknowns that I can think of so I have decided that it is imperative to take it one step at a time and not overthink every little thing. Not to mention that it drives my husband crazy b/c when I overthink, I talk it to DEATH.  So I guess this goal is also to not drive him to drink....well, drink more.

4. Be the change- Yep, it's a bumper sticker.  In fact, it's now the bumper magnet that is proudly placed on the back of my car.  I am officially one of those people, someone that advertises their hobbies, passions, beliefs on the trunk of their car....sigh.  Anyhoo, I have always believed in the power of helping others.  Sometimes I am great about volunteering and sometimes, not so much. I know I need to cut myself a break being a working mom.  But part of a new year is assessing what is important. I have a least a few hours a month to dedicate to others. And while it may be time away from bug, it will be a teaching opportunity and hopefully something we will do together soon. 

I think that is it for now, I'm sure there are a few more in there but I am already in danger of failing two of the four so I figure I need to keep it short.  So if you find that I am blogging status updates, please just know that it is part of my recovery and that I'm working the steps.

Oh and side note: I have gotten back into reading which is one of my first LOVES and I am reading a great book about women dumbing themselves down.  So check it out if you get the chance.
