We have all heard the hype, working moms vs. stay at home moms. Is there some truth to this battle? Maybe...I for one think this is a disagreement that is publicized to once again pit women against eachother. Do some working moms look down on stay at home moms because they "don't contribute to the household income"? Absolutely. Do some stay at home moms judge working moms for "letting daycare raise their kids"? Definitely. While being any kind of mom is the best, both staying home and working can suck.....
Stay At Home: While at home with 3 kids, you find herself in the middle of 3 consecutive snow days. The house looks like there was a natural disaster...inside. Whining has become the official language and you have wondered more than once about how much your darlings would fetch on Ebay. Your husband comes home, looks around in disbelief and asks what you have done all day?!?
At Work: Dashing around in the morning with one heel on while your toddler screams for another Dora and refuses to eat breakfast. Meanwhile your Blackberry is already ringing and the demanding emails have started coming in at 7:00 a.m. While dropping baby off, she cries and begs you not to "weave" her at "skwool". Sunglasses are promptly placed over welling eyes while you return calls on the way in. You race out of a meeting, which you managed to botch to pick up a kid that doesn't want to go home.
At the end of the day, we all have the same goal...to be the best mom we can. Some women have to work, some choose to and both are fine. Some do everything they can to stay home and go without to do so, and that's fine. Not trying to be preachy but it's in all of our best interest to keep judgement away and think of the difficulties of both choices. Because they are choices, not "sides".
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