Thursday, December 1, 2011

Life in the Big City

"Well that's life in the big city"......those of you around my age will perhaps remember this oh so clever saying.  This flippant quip was typically stated by your mom while you were longingly gazing at the pair of Guess jeans you knew she couldn't afford.  This is also the generation that said good looking people were "foxes" so perhaps we should disregard most of the lingo...

Life in the big city has taken on a new meaning now that I am a grown up and have kids of my own. With a lot of career turmoil in the last year or so, I have had to remind myself that sometimes it's just "life in the big city" and keep on truckin, keep calm and carry on and all those other bumper stickers or quotes on pinterest.

Deciding to return to an office was a tough decision for this mommy. I have had to ditch my comfy yoga pants and don my, sadly ill-fitting, fancy pants. And while I never thought I  would enjoy being back at an 8-5 WITH a long commute, I have been pleasantly surprised.

With any new change are some ups and downs....such is the roller coaster of working parenthood. 

UP- Being around people again! It's nice to have co-workers that don't just wag their tail and pant when you ask them a question.  It's so much more helpful!

DOWN- Having to be ON TIME five days a week.  How do people with multiple children do this?? I am guessing by waking up at 3am or being extremelllllllllly organized. To those that have accomplished this, I bow to you.

UP- Working for the man has it's bus pass, football tickets, lunches etc. Unfortunately the free food has also contributed to the ill-fitting fancy pants...ugh. Although the free gym will hopefully help that!

DOWN-  Picking up a screaming pre-schooler who refuses to get dressed and threatening to take her to school in her PJ's to be embarrassed by her classmates. Said child finally and reluctantly gets dressed in her regular clothes only to arrive at school to see it is...wait for it....freaking pajama day.

UP- Only having to struggle with a pint sized Mariah Carey diva like 4 year old when the husband is out of town because I can't be bothered with things like hair brushing and breakfast now that I work IN the city and have a BUS to catch.

DOWN- Giving up the school drop off and picking up and not being able to uphold my Joan of Arc martyrdom status as Supermom. With a husband that cooks and cleans it was kind of all I had left to play....damn.

So it's been a bit of a struggle to adjust, for me, my baby girl, husband and my flat iron but we're going to be fine. Anytime I start to feel stressed, the hubs begins belting out "She Works Hard For The Money" by Donna Summer and I am immediately between gulps of wine. 

But at the end of the day, working 40 hours in an office beats 60 plus at home any day.  It's very important to fit in as many hours of Barbie and costume changes as possible....after all, I am Supermom. :)